by Prof_Lube | Apr 5, 2016 | Lubrication, Education, News
California is once again leading(?) the way in consumer protectionism by banning some engine oils considered obsolete by the API. Proponents of the bill felt it was necessary to protect consumers from mistakenly introducing engine oils into their passenger cars...
by Prof_Lube | Jan 8, 2016 | Education, Energy Saving, Hydrotex, Lubrication, News, Productivity, Technical Tips
Center pivot irrigation gear boxes have a tough environment to work in. Wet. Dusty. Seasonal. Need to be ready to run long hours in critical times. Enclosed gear cases that are prone to leakage and/or are difficult to service. You get the point. This is a great video...
by Prof_Lube | Dec 16, 2015 | Education, Hydrotex, Lubrication, News, Technical Tips
We have an agriculture customer that has requested that we inspect his fleet of self built harvesting equipment hydraulic system. We’ve already taken oil analysis samples of the hydraulic fluid with particle count and asked the lab to run additional testing for...
by Prof_Lube | Dec 1, 2015 | Education, Hydrotex, Lubrication, News, Productivity, Technical Tips
How do you select the right gear oil for your application? We often get calls with the conversation going something like this: “Got any 90 weight gear oil?” “Sure, what are you using it in?” “A gear box, duh.” We were recently asked...
by Prof_Lube | Nov 11, 2015 | Education, Energy Saving, Hydrotex, Lubrication, News, Productivity
I’ve had the privilege to teach hundreds of classes to thousands of attendees. This is the foundation. Of the available 51 modules I teach, this is the prerequisite. I’ve adapted this class to a group of school bus drivers through mechanical engineers....
by Prof_Lube | Jul 8, 2015 | Hydrotex, Lubrication
From recent press release: DALLAS – July 8, 2015 – Wickham Tractor, a leading agricultural and light industrial equipment dealer in northeast Colorado, has added Hydrotex Pivot System Grease to its offerings. Wickham Tractor has been serving agricultural...