
Waste Water

Waste Water


Biotechnology is one of the key catalysts in a wastewater treatment plant. A better catalyst means better efficiency for any process system. Biological blends are selected and adapted for superior kinetic and degradation characteristics, and are formulated for specific organic waste degradation, example: FOG’s, phenols, soaps and detergents, as well as other specific inhibitory compounds.


Biological Augmentation is augmenting or supplementing the existing natural occurring system with selectively adapted strains that are capable of higher rates of organic reduction or that are capable of degrading organic levels that have previously been considered problematic.


  • Eco Friendly
  • Non Pathogenic
  • User Friendly
  • Proven Technology


By improving organic removal efficiency and increasing operational flexibility, significant reductions have been observed in the mass of sludge produced per unit mass of organics removed.


  • Odor Reduction
  • Sludge Reduction
  • Reduction In Line Restrictions
  • Reduction in BOD, COD and TSS
  • Reduction in H2S

Problem Solving Approach

  • Collect Data
  • Analyze System
  • Determine Objective
  • Develop Program
  • Implement Program
  • Monitor Program and adjust
  • Compare Results/Objectives


  • Innovative, eco-friendly natural products and solutions to replace conventional treatments that may be less effective and more hazardous to the environment
  • Bio-Brick / Block (Slow Dissolve Products)
  • Micro “X” (Bacterial Powder C.F.I.A. Registered) (Agriculture Canada)